Do you feel insignificant? Are you someone great but get treated as if you are just the opposite because those around you are bandwagon fans, and treat you like a loser because they can’t see your “winner” yet? Is an addiction holding you that you want NO more of? Could it be that you are trapped in a trap that you can’t figure out how to get out of? Maybe you just need some cash and can’t figure out how to get it? Do people believe in you?

Hell, do you believe in yourself?

Antmost does.

In fact, Antmost believes that no matter what your situation, no matter what your flaws may be, YOU CAN WIN! If you believe that you are bigger and can overcome whatever it is that you are facing right now, then Antmost is for you.

An Atlanta native, Antmost has been known to be behind the scenes in the music industry writing, producing, and engineering for various artists across multiple genres from hip-hop to gospel to rock to r&b. Antmost’s diverse experience in the music industry helps to explain who he is as an artist and as a person. See, Antmost is not one to conform to doing whatever he can to please folks by being fake and looking for approval. But he keeps it a thousand about telling people that they can win, by whatever method is most effective; it just so happens that he raps. So don’t expect trap music. Don’t expect church music. Don’t expect political correctness or anything else from him for that matter because he is none of those things while at the same time being all of those things.

His purpose is to give the desperate hope and show them that they can win through God like he did and not remain stuck in the mess that they are in. For, merely sticking to the status quo or saying what “they” think he should say ain’t the goal. So if you don’t understand the moves that Antmost makes or wonder why would he say such a thing, just know the motive is winning even if you can’t comprehend it yet.

So go ahead, listen, enjoy, and then win!
